Rubber Slurry Pump Impellers

GX Rubber Slurry Pump Impellers are interchangeable with world famous brand Slurry Pumps


  1. R08 is a black natural rubber, of low to medium hardness. R08 is used for impellers where superior erosive resistance is required in fine particle slurries. The hardness of R08 makes it more resistant to both chunking wear and dilation (i.e.: expansion caused by centrifugal forces) as compared to R26. R08 is generally only used for impellers
    R26 is a black, soft natural rubber. It has superior erosion resistance to all other materials in fine particle slurry applications. The antioxidants and antidegradents used in R26 have been optimized to improve storage life and reduce degradation during use. The high erosion resistance of R26 is provided by the combination of its high resilience, high tensile strength and low Shore hardness.
    3. Elastomer S12 is a synthetic rubber which is generally used in applications involving fats, oils and waxes. S12 has moderate erosion resistance.

Above listed slurry pump parts are only parts of our products, welcome to contact us for more details and free quote.

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